{Looking Ahead} Spring has Sprung!

Spring has sprung here in East Tennessee...at least for now! I suspect we'll get 1 more cold snap;; we usually do!
It was fun planning for this week; actually I was able to plan for the next 2 weeks rather quickly.

5 Minute Day
Roll and Count Easter Eggs by 3 Dinosaurs. During the independent center, the students will produce their target, then roll the dice provided. They'll take a chip and place it on the corresponding picture on the board to see which one "wins". The other independent center (for my groups with 3 students) will be a listening station.

Game Day
Bunny Hop is an open-ended game that is great for using with mixed-groups. This is part of a freebie by Sweet Integrations that also includes a couple of roll and cover games. When we play this at the end of the week, the students will earn a jelly bean every time they land on a jelly bean square, and will take them home in a little snack bag. I don't allow students to eat anything in my room due to the increase of food allergies. (For more on this subject, click here.)

Preschool Walk-Ins
My little ones love smash strips! It's hilarious to watch them smash the playdough...it's almost like they're getting all of their frustrations out on that little ball! We'll start the session with 1 of 2 books...I'll let each one decide which book we'll read. Then, using Articulation Station by LittleBeeSpeech, the child will produce his/her target in 3 words, then smash the ball on the last word. Sparklle SLP has Smash Strips: Spring-Themed Reinforcement that are very colorful and very Spring-oriented. And, they're only $1!

While waiting for their turn during game day, the students will complete their pages for homework. Speech is Sweet is helping me out big-time this week with homework! Students working on later developing sounds will glue pictures containing their target around a picture from Spring Articulation Activities: Later Developing Sounds. She also has a version for the early sounds, but I don't have it yet. For my students with earlier developing sounds (and language students), I've pulled pages from A Dab of Speech and Language For the YearI have a couple of students who are working on sounds that aren't included in either, so I improvised. I'll use the picture from the artic activities, and I used lessonpix to print pictures of words that have been missed over previous sessions. For those students, I use Articulate It! from Smarty Ears during therapy, so I was able to look back to see what words had been missed from previous sessions.
I 💗 this new feature that they have included...it keeps me from writing down the words during therapy, and it helps to know what words they need to practice at home.

Now that we're in the last 9 weeks of the school year (only 7 more Mondays!), I feel like I finally have time to breathe! How is it going with you?

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