(This post includes direct links to the products. Free products are indicated.)
Wow. The last "Week in Review" for 2014! I can't believe how fast this year is going by! We had another busy week.
Winter and Christmas Vocabulary was worked on using Hear It! See It! Say It! Winter Seek and Find (Tech 'N Talk SLPs). Simple vocabulary was used for one of my students while another student was able to use more difficult, expanded vocabulary.
I was looking forward to using Christmas "who" Questions Interactive Book Freebie (Expressly Speaking); however, with one of my students, it was just too much. There were too many variables; the sentences were too complex for her. It worked great with my other student, though.
Complete sentences were formulated to tell what the elves need using Structured Sentence Building (Queen's Speech).
This game was so much fun! The kids absolutely loved it! I picked this game up during the TpT Cyber Sale:
Suit Up Santa! (Mia McDaniel).
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bell (Lucille Colandro) was a hit this week!
I also couldn't wait to use Interactive Book Attachments for the Old Lady Book Series (Speechy Musings)! It was great for working on forming complete sentences, sequencing, and retell.
I broke out the Old Lady Craftivity (Jenn Alcorn) for the first time. (Another purchase from the TpT Cyber Sale!) The kids loved this, too! My language kids put the pictures in the correct sequence and told why the old lady swallowed the items. My artic kids picked out pictures from a box and glued them onto the old lady.
On the back of the language dress, I added the following page so that the parents can interact with their child while talking about the book:
For my preschool language student. I created a sentence (She swallowed a) using Custom Boards, then cut out the pictures from the craftivity packet:
I thought the Old Lady Craftivity might be a bit "babyish" for my older kids, so they decorated "Tacky Sweaters", then used words that have their sound in it to describe them. (My Tacky Holiday Sweater: An Adjective Craftivity by First Grade Buddies...free!).
This was such a fun week! What did you do this week?
Thanks for the shout out for Tech 'n Talk SLPs. Hope your students loved our materials.