Favorite Blog Posts of the Month: February

Monthly Linky
After I read Playing with Words 365's post Fall and Halloween Speech and Language Roundup, I decided to start writing monthly posts on my favorite blog posts that I read throughout the month. This is mainly so I can remember the posts that I read that had great ideas in therapy. I wasn't sure where I could store them so I'd have them at my fingertips, and then I thought that maybe other SLPs would like to have them as well. 
Sparklle SLP suggested this become a monthly linky, so Favorite Posts of the Month Linky was born. Let's keep it simple: Post no more than 5 of your favorite posts that you read over the past month. Feel free to use the graphic that's at the top of this post and on my sidebar: right click, choose "copy", and then "paste" into your post. Don't forget to link back to my post! The hardest part will be limiting it to 5 posts!

Doyle Speech Works

I loved Doyle Speech Works' post titled:  I (Heart) SLP. She's been super busy in her therapy room & she shared a few other things she loves in her SLP world.
Kelly had a fun, easy (& cheap!) Valentine's Day activity that she shared in her post Cupids Arrow: A Cheap and Easy Valentine's Day Activity. I have a feeling her boys went crazy over this activity!
PediaStaff - Building self-confident children... one professional at a time
Heidi posted  Autism Speaks Alters Position on Vaccines. This is a good resource to refer back to should a parent want something in writing on this subject.

Doyle Speech Works

Another post from Doyle Speech Works had to be included. This one is Social Media and Social Grace. I wrote a similar post, but she took it to a whole other level! Please take the time to read this one, if you haven't already.

My Photo
SLPRunner posted Helping Hands! Card Holder Creations. I bought a set of card holders from Super Duper, but these are some very inexpensive, creative holders.

What were your favorite posts of February? What were your favorite ideas for therapy? The linky will stay up until 14 March!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you SO much for mentioning my Valentine day ninja post! I really appreciate it. Plus I'm excited to check out some new blog posts!


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