After I read Playing with Words 365's post Fall and Halloween Speech and Language Roundup, I decided to start writing monthly posts on my favorite blog posts that I read throughout the month. This is mainly so I can remember the posts that I read that had great ideas in therapy. I wasn't sure where I could store them so I'd have them at my fingertips, and then I thought that maybe other SLPs would like to have them as well.
Sparklle SLP suggested this become a monthly linky, so Favorite Posts of the Month Linky was born. Let's keep it simple: Post no more than 5 of your favorite posts that you read over the past month. Feel free to use the graphic that's at the top of this post and on my sidebar: right click, choose "copy", and then "paste" into your post. Don't forget to link back to my post! The hardest part will be limiting it to 5 posts!
Sparklle SLP suggested this become a monthly linky, so Favorite Posts of the Month Linky was born. Let's keep it simple: Post no more than 5 of your favorite posts that you read over the past month. Feel free to use the graphic that's at the top of this post and on my sidebar: right click, choose "copy", and then "paste" into your post. Don't forget to link back to my post! The hardest part will be limiting it to 5 posts!
Doyle Speech Works
I loved Doyle Speech Works' post titled: I (Heart) SLP. She's been super busy in her therapy room & she shared a few other things she loves in her SLP world.
Kelly had a fun, easy (& cheap!) Valentine's Day activity that she shared in her post Cupids Arrow: A Cheap and Easy Valentine's Day Activity. I have a feeling her boys went crazy over this activity!
Heidi posted Autism Speaks Alters Position on Vaccines. This is a good resource to refer back to should a parent want something in writing on this subject.
Doyle Speech Works
Another post from Doyle Speech Works had to be included. This one is Social Media and Social Grace. I wrote a similar post, but she took it to a whole other level! Please take the time to read this one, if you haven't already.
SLPRunner posted Helping Hands! Card Holder Creations. I bought a set of card holders from Super Duper, but these are some very inexpensive, creative holders.
Thank you SO much for mentioning my Valentine day ninja post! I really appreciate it. Plus I'm excited to check out some new blog posts!