It's really easy to participate: Each of us will be listing 3 things. 2 facts will be true, 1 will be a fib. Not a little white lie, but an all-out fib! Check out my 3 statements, make a guess as to which one is the fib, then hop on to the next blog after writing your answer down on the nifty sheet that Speech2U made. (Click on the picture to download through google drive.)
At the end, record your answers for a chance to win the Amazon Card. The one with the most correct answers will win. If you tie with someone, will determine the winner.
My statements:
A. I may be a Southerner, but I was born in NY.
B. My grandfather invented the corn stalker.
C. I went to Mass with Mel Gibson.
Hmmmm....which ones are true, and which one is the fib? Write it down and continue on by clicking
on the picture below.
Increase your chances by following me on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook ; I'll be leaving some clues! I may even have a product to give away one of the days!
Twitter (tnslp29)
Don't forget to come back on April 7th to see which one was the fib!
I only know one of them! How can that be? I'll never tell, though!