Time to Slow Down

I've had time to think...really think...about this past year. I got a little jolt of reality a few weeks ago when I went to one of my schools to put some stuff up. I pulled back the curtain from my shelves and looked at all of my materials...most of it accumulated over the past year and a half. And it hit me: What in the world am I doing??? I am hoping to retire in about 10-12 years, and I've got all this stuff that I just recently made. I have a bunch of stuff, y'all!
And not only stuff, but the time that I've put in to everything this year: the blog, facebook, instagram, TpT, pinterest. I've come to the conclusion that this is the way I dealt with the grief over my mother's unexpected death last summer. It's time for me to get it together and get my priorities back in order. It has been absolutely exhausting trying to keep up with some of you young SLPs!
So...I'm pledging...
...to slow down this year. I'll post here from time to time, but mostly when the mood hits me, or when I have something that I feel I need to say that will help some of you.
...to only make things for my therapy room as I need them. I'll put it up on TpT, and if it helps someone else during therapy, that's great.
...to have fun with instagram. Sometimes I get a little stressed out with instagram. I know it's weird, but it happens.
...to periodically check facebook & pinterest. I actually tried to suspend my facebook account at one time, but my FIL kept putting family pictures on it, so I had to get back on.

My school year starts on 27 July with teacher meetings, and the kids come back 03 August. I need to get back to completely focusing on my students and use blogs,FB, IG as resources when I need them.  I'm not so much in to the numbers game: I have no idea how many followers I have on any of my accounts.
If you're reading this: thank you. I hope you'll check back from time to time to see what's going on in my world!


  1. You are so right. You will have a wonderful year because of this.

  2. Well said! Reflection and keeping it all in perspective!

  3. Amen, Sister Friend! I often ask myself why am I doing all that I am, when I am retired? But not having a full retirement keeps pushing me on, LOL. And might I say that I totally understand the need to stay busy as we walk through the valley of grief.

  4. YES! Mary, I don't need another thing! As I've said, "I could support a small country with all my speech supplies and materials." An idea posted in a blog doesn't have to be a "must do!" A sale on TpT doesn't mean a "must buy" and a freebie doesn't mean a "must have." It's just more excess, more doing, more stress! Let's simplify. I'm with you!


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