It's That Time Again!

Time for another TpT Sitewide Sale to bring savings of 28% off of your entire purchase! I was busy in June finishing up a few things so I could bundle them.
(To be taken to each product, click on the picture.)
Speech/Language Slides Bundle
I love to use these slides for homework! My kids put them together, say the words that are on their slide, color and/or decorate them, and then take them home to work on them. 
On/Off Topic BUNDLE
I've taken my best sellers and bundled them together, so you have all of them together for the whole year!
Team Games Seasonal Bundle
Finally, I've bundled all of my team games together. My kids love when we play team games! Even when I have individual therapy, they love to play them! Check them out!
Now, for things that look awesome:
Organizers for Speech Therapy
If you need some help getting organized this year, Annie has just what you need!
Summer Vacation for Speech & Language Therapy - Younger El
Need something for those younger kids or for inclusion students? Click on the picture above and you'll have just what you need!
Camp In Speech and Language Themed Therapy Pack for Mixed Groups
I'm all about camping and this product is perfect for a camping theme with all of my students!
Take Out Topics for Articulation Carryover - Vocalic R
This is going to be PERFECT for working with those students who have one foot out of speech but just aren't quite ready to be cut loose!
Articulation Dot Art ~ Ocean Edition! {all sounds & NO prep}
This Dot Art will be perfect for the first couple of sessions for this school year. No prep, and the graphics are adorable!

Have a good time shopping, and don't forget to leave feedback on your purchases for additional savings on your next order!

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