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It seems like I'm doing pretty much the same thing in therapy lately; probably because it's the end of the school year. We have 2 more full weeks (minus 1 day for Election Day, + 1 1/2 days), and, to be perfectly honest, I'm tired and don't have a lot of patience.
During their 5 minutes (some of them took 10), they wrote the words that had their sounds on the sheet provided in the product.
The sheet is set up to use for homework, which was perfect!
For Inclusion, I read Kites Over Everything (Chapel Hill Snippets) and the kids put the kites "over" each picture on the page. They answered "where" questions, worked on the concept "over", as well as producing complete sentences. After that, we made kites. I already had them cut out, so we talked about spring and they were "supposed" to draw pictures on their kites. They mostly drew grass!
My walk-in Preschooler also made a kite, but he glued pictures of the words he had trouble with on the kite. He took the kite home so he could work on the words he missed.
For pull-out language, we re-read the book, and worked on complete sentences using the carrier phrases, "Kites over the ____", and "I have a _____ kite". I had the pictures in a little box that I got from the Dollar Tree, so it added just a little different spin on things.
Cut, Sort, & Glue! Activities for the Entire Year! (Miss Speechie) was used again, this time pictures were divided into mother & father.
Instead of playing a game this week, most of my groups completed the April Mystery Picture from Listening for Articulation All Year 'Round (Linguisystems).
I set up file folders so the kids couldn't look on anyone else's paper.
Some of the kids played "Chuck it Chicken":
They loved it when I played, and they were able to knock down one of my ducks. One of the groups may have tried to gang up on me.
That pretty much sums up my week. What did you did this week?
I'm going to try and find that "Chuck it Chicken" game :)
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