Week in Review: 11/26/2014

I started this linky so that SLP Bloggers could go to 1 place to get ideas for therapy. Write a post about either what you did this week, or what you have planned for next week. All I ask is that you share a link back to my blog in your post.

This is going to be another short post. We only had a 2-day week, but I had a lot to cram in to those 2 days! 

Younger students:
My Kinders at one school made turkeys:
I've had the pattern for a long time, so I have no idea where it came from. I wrote words that they had difficulty with on the feathers for them to practice at home.
I did some sequencing with my language kinder after she made the turkey. I snapped pictures of the different parts of the turkey with my iPad, inserted those into Custom Boards, and had an instant sequencing activity!
With my preschool/kinders at my other school, we made pilgrim puppets (DLTK)
We also read Mr. Turkey, Where are You?  from the iPad. iTunes has it for $.99, but I snagged it when it went free at one point.
You can take the student's picture for a nice surprise at the end of the story:
Older students:
The students used the cards & played the game from the November Mystery packet (Teach Speech 365). 
There's an awful lot of material in this packet for only $3, but you'd better hurry...it disappears at the end of November!

My artic students played Dessert Fun (Listening for Articulation All Year Round- Brenda Brumbough). I put the pie pieces in 4 different groups (1 piece of each pie in each group); the first one to find all 4 of their pieces of pie was the winner. It got them up and moving around.

One student decided if the picture was something he would be thankful or not thankful for, and explained why. I got some very interesting answers on this one!
Thankful vs. Not Thankful  Sort! (freebie from Miss Speechie)
I had another student I was going to use this with, and was pretty bummed that they had a pep rally during his speech time. 

WHEW! It was a whirl-wind of 2 days! 

If you weren't off all week, what did you do? OR, what do you have planned for next week?

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