My Favorite SLP Happenings of 2015 (Linky Party)

Another year is almost over. Professionally, it's been a good one! I'm linking up with Speech Time Fun, so when you're through reading this post, jump over to see how other SLPs' years went!
This actually isn't an easy post for me to write; I don't usually "toot my own horn" and feel rather uncomfortable doing it. it goes:
I started a TpT Store (Old School Speech) and stuck to my promise to keep everything under $5 (well, except for bundles!).  Why? The way I look at it, you have to pay for the product, ink, card stock, and laminating film, so the product should be affordable. Plus, I personally try not to buy anything more than $5 for those reasons.
A co-worker & I expanded our Poster Session from ASHA 2014 into a 30 minute presentation. We submitted a proposal to TAASLP (the Tn. Organization) and were accepted, along with another co-worker, to share "Innovations in School Speech Pathology". 
I got involved in TAASLP & had a blast meeting other SLPs from the state. I also had the chance to meet Erik X. Raj & the crew from The Peachie Speechie!

I was invited to be a Frenzied SLP! What an amazing group of SLPs from all over the country! This group is all about sharing and helping other SLPs out. "Like" our Facebook Page to be notified of new blog posts designed to help you out!

I made the Top 100 Speech Pathology Blogs for 2016, as chosen by Kidmunicate. This was quite a surprise and honor. There are a lot of great blogs for SLPs out there. I am humbled beyond belief. 

My favorite blog posts that I wrote through the year:
Starting Off on the Right Foot
Why you Should Get Involved with your State Organization
To Screen or Not to Screen

My favorite posts by other SLPs from the year:

Sharing Your Travel Videos in Speech Therapy by Erik X. Raj

I Needed Help (and I Got It!) by Doyle Speech Works

Un-Social Media? by Activity Taylor

Here's to a fantastic 2016!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for linking up!! looks like you had a great year!!


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