Is anyone else baffled by the fact that October is gone? Especially after it seemed like August would never end! It'll be Christmas before you know it!
When I'm not at school on a Friday (which is my day to see students 1:1 as well as to get materials ready for the following week), I feel a bit discombobulated. It takes me a while to get back on track. That's exactly how I'm feeling right now. I looked through my November materials to get a grip on what I'm going to do next week. I realized I only have a couple of book companions for November, and I don't have time to get one together for next week, so here's what I have planned:
5 Minute Day:
For the independent center, students will produce their target x number of times, then put a pom-pom on a magnet on the apple. Just to make it interesting, we'll see who gets the most put on.
If the older kids want to do Chipper Chat instead, I'll pull out a set of the cards and they can "play" against each other to see who can get the most chips on the card.
Following Directions:
I have this worksheet by Sounds Like Fun that should challenge my students with this target. (I couldn't find exactly where I got this from; I don't know if it was on her blog or TpT store.)
These came in my Crazy Charizma email. They are from Games for Gains & were free!
Of course I'm going to use "Desi the Describing Worm" (as I call my EET beads) to help students describe food from Queen's Speech's What Am I? Thanksgiving Edition .
Basic Concepts:
I have no idea who this came from; sadly, the author didn't include her name on the product.
More inferencing from SLP For ME:
Game Day:
I can stretch out Mia McDaniel's Thanksgiving Quick Drill to last a whole session! My kids love playing these open-ended games; they're perfect when you have a mixed group, or a group with students working on different sounds.
Can I be totally honest? I'm not sure what I'm going to do for homework! I'll probably pull out my Seasonal Artic Worksheets from Super Duper and use those. I haven't used them in a couple of years, so it might be a nice change.
Hopefully next week I can get back on track with being a bit more organized. How do you handle preparing for therapy when you don't have your day to prepare?
Hi Mary! I love Halloween and Thanksgiving, but even more, they're my 2 favorite themes to use for therapy! I'm thrilled you like my quick drill games :) I'll send you my other Thanksgiving quick drill (turkey time) as well so you can change it up!